Anissa Igoudjil, PhD., Secretary


Anissa Igoudjil, Ph.D, has been working as Manager Strategy Analytics and Testing at

American Express since June 2014. She is involved in several projects where customers’

engagement and behavior need to be assessed to make strategic business decisions.

Anissa obtained her Master‘s degree in Cell Biology and Physiology from the University of

Versailles Saint-Quentin (France) in 2001 and earned her PhD in 2006 in Biology and Pathology

of the Epitheliums at University Paris VII.

In 2007, she came to the US to pursue her research and work as Postdoctoral Associate at

Weill Cornell Medical College (NY) in the Department of Neurology and Neuroscience. From

2011 to 2013, she worked in the Department of Biochemistry at NYU Langone Medical College.

During her second post-doc, Anissa finally decided to make a life changing career decision as

she realized Academia was no longer a good fit for her. After a lot of research, networking and

effort, Anissa was recruited as Data Scientist at CKM Advisors where she was given the

opportunity to learn about the consulting world, gained business knowledge and improved her

coding and programming skills.
